Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Time flies...

Hello again,

It has been a long time since I last spoke with you, and I have missed you so much.  Things here are flying by, faster and faster it seems, but all is well.  The students are wonderful.  I enjoy our new director of instruction, he is doing a lot of good for the school.  I have spent time with him outside of school as well.  Knowing that he plans to be here for a long time increases the likelyhood that I will stay another year or two (most of my friends are leaving after this year - something that I do not want to see since I have become very attached to a few of them).  All in all, things are pleasant here.  I continue to make new friends (last night I met Mick, an Aussie who loves talking to Americans because he lived there for a few years) and develop the friendships that I already have.  I am busy, but not as busy as last year, and happy.


1 comment:

Steve Clough said...

Glad to hear that you're having a good time and that you're getting along with your director. We should chat again sometime soon.