Sunday, January 18, 2009

Good News, Bad News

I apologize for the lack of updates, nothing unusual has happened recently...until last night.  My mom taught me to begin such stories with "everything is ok" so the good news is: "everything is ok."

The bad news?   As I was riding my motorbike home last night I was hit by what I assume was a drunk driver.  No injuries to my self, a small injury to my bike.  I was going 60 km/h on the side of a straight road with no one else around when a speeding car came from behind and side-swiped me.  I didn't realize what had happened until afterwards.  I looked to the side where he hit me and saw a couple pieces of his car fly to the side, and as I slowed down to make sure that I was alright, I watched him (or her) speed off.  I need to get a new back peg for my bike, but otherwise everything is ok.  And I repeat: there were no injuries to my self (including emotional ones, I think I am going to make it through this one).

In other news, the next month with be a busy one, three separate connections from Bethel will be in the Phuket area over the next two weeks and then I will see my mom who is coming to visit me in a month.  All in all, I am very excited for the near future.

I miss most of you.  -Gary.

1 comment:

Katy-Lou said...

Wow! Thank goodness you are okay. A guy who I had gone to school with since elementary school just died this past week after being in a motorbike accident in China, so be careful!! Miss you and say hi to your mom for me when she visits next month!